girl with computer

Below is information regarding January testing for NCSD.

Students will take the STAR benchmark test during the two week window from January 6-January 17. All students K-12 take this assessment in both ELA and Math. This test takes approximately 30-40 minutes and gives us data about students' performance as compared to other students in the nation. We use this data to inform decisions about intervention and enrichment opportunities district wide.

Students across New York State in grades 3-8 will perform a computer based testing simulation for the New York State assessments beginning January 21st and ending January 31st. Students in Newfield will only test one day in this window and the tests last around 30 minutes. This test is not graded but is instead used to ensure that our technological systems and the states testing portal are working properly before state testing in the spring. We currently have the elementary students in grades 3-5 performing the Math simulation on January 23rd and our middle school students in grades 6-8 performing the ELA simulation on January 23rd as well.

Finally, Regents testing will take place the week of January 21st-January 24th. Tuesday the 21st and Friday the 24th will be virtual learning days for high school students only (Middle and Elementary school students will be in person learning for the entirety of Regents week testing). Tuesday is the largest number of high school students testing and we will need staff to proctor exams and provide accommodations. Friday the 24th is our scoring day for high school Regents. Wednesday and Thursday January 22nd and January 23rd are regularly scheduled school days. Students taking Regents exams should sit for their exam and then return to regularly scheduled classes. Again, Elementary and Middle School students will be in session (in person learning) during Regents week, January 21st through January 23rd.

The district has an Assessment Calendar that can be accessed using this link of under the Curriculum and Instruction page on the district website: