Newfield Students

Congratulations to the Newfield High School Trap Team in their 2022 Class 1A Conference 4 FIRST PLACE finish!!! Team members: Chase Wojtanik Dean Esposito Matt Tibbals Diamond Sill Nora Ober Michael Doner Andrew Truesdale Carmen Esposito Emmet Silvernail 

Congratulations to the Newfield Shooters, Diamond Sill and Chase Wojtanik for an outstanding year in the New York High School Clay Target League.
Diamond finished the year in 3rd place for High Female Average in Conference 4. Chase finished as the 2nd High Average shooter in New York State. High Overall Shooter in Conference 4 and was the only shooter to hit ALL 100 targets in the State Shoot Off in Bridgeport on 6-26-22.

by Lori Owens