Good morning,
Due to there being possible freezing rain, we will be having a two-hour delay. All bus pick-ups will move forward two hours. The elementary school will open at 9:40 and the middle/high school will open at 10:30.
All students attending programs other than Newfield CSD, will be taken two hours later. This includes RAS, P-Tech at TC3, all day TST BOCES students, GST BOCES students, George Jr., New Visions, and New Roots.
The morning Career and Tech students will not have their AM program and need to report to school by 11:30. If you do not have a ride to come in at 11:30, you may be picked up two hours later and ride to BOCES and back to Newfield for your afternoon classes.
Afternoon Career and Tech Students will attend BOCES as scheduled.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these times.
Eric Hartz
NCSD Superintendent