School Safety & Security

School Safety & Security

School Safety is a priority - from making sure the drop off procedure is in place in the morning to monitoring visitors coming in to the buildings. A District-wide safety plan has been developed with the cooperation of law enforcement and other agencies. Each building has a Safety Team which is responsible for running drills for a variety of scenarios. 

Here is how you can help:

  1. The speed limit is  5 mph on school grounds.

  2. Do not text or talk on your cell phone while driving through the parking lot.

  3. Be alert for pedestrians and cars pulling out of parking spaces in the parking lot.

  4. When dropping off a student in the morning, please do not get out of your car. Make sure your child has everything they need handy (ex. not in the trunk of the car), including signed permission or excuse notes. S/he should exit the car on the sidewalk side, not into traffic. Once your child is safely out of the car, please continue on and merge into the exit lane.

  5. All visitors should sign in and out at the main office of the school visited.

  6. No visitors are allowed on the playgrounds or school grounds during school hours unless authorized by a school official.

  7. No dogs are allowed on the property (except for authorized service animals).

  8. When using the upper parking lot near the athletic fields, do not park on the walkway. This is an alternate emergency entrance and exit for the ambulance. Park ONLY in designated parking spaces. If there is no more room, park in the lower parking lot, not along the drive or in the grass.